Why ocean energy?
Hydrokite Project Development is dedicated to capturing the power of tidal streams and ocean currents, providing a reliable, locally-produced renewable energy source tailored for the unique landscapes of Australia and New Zealand.
Unlike wind, solar, and wave power, tidal streams and ocean currents offer nearly 100 percent predictability, ensuring a consistent and reliable energy supply for the region.
Photo Credit: Minesto
Regional accessibility
Tidal streams and ocean currents along the coasts of Australia and New Zealand offer a universally distributed and reliable energy source specific to the region's geography.
Energy-rich potential
Moving water, about 830 times denser than moving air, provides optimal conditions for efficient energy conversion, meeting the distinctive energy needs of Australia and New Zealand.
In harmony with the environment
Subsea ocean energy technologies operate discreetly beneath the surface, in harmony with marine wildlife. This eliminates the need for land space and visual impact, making them ideal for coastal regions.
Large-scale, low-impact electricity
Tapping into the vast resource of tidal streams and ocean currents allows for large-scale electricity generation with minimal environmental impact, paving the way for a sustainable energy future in Australia and New Zealand.
Contact Us
Keen to learn more and discuss opportunities? Have questions, feedback, or just want to say hello? We’d love to hear from you! Feel free to reach out via e-mail, phone, or by using the contact form and we look forward to connecting with you.